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San Francisco is a city of neighborhoods, each with distinct characteristics, attitudes, problems, resources and possibilities. From the Sunset to South Beach, San Francisco State University to Bay View/Hunters Point, these communities and their residents together make San Francisco one of the world's most engaging cities.

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The Neighborhoods of San Francisco

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First walk into the Castro

After coming out of the Muni tunnel at the corner of Castro and 17th, there are several conflicting shops that do not seem to belong together. On one corner is a huge Diesel store, the other a real estate office, and on the other a bar and cookie shop.

I walked into the cookie shop named "Hot Cookie," probably having a duel meaning, because the walls of the mini shop is covered with pictures of magazine clippings and pictures of previous and current customers. Those in the pictures are provocative, giving off the impression that this shop is one that does not care how others perceive them.

I must admit the pictures intrigued me to walk in because the shop itself is big enough to hold about two customers at a time and a door way about as wide as a telephone booth door, leaving it difficult and strategic to enter and exit. Once you come into the shop the smell of freshly baked cookies is overwhelming! They are definitely fresh and hot.

After asking the employee standing behind the counter, I soon realized the Hot Cookie was a well known icon of the neighborhood. The pictures themselves prove that the neighborhood does not care if they offend tourists with their sexuality.

After seeing these pictures I researched the neighborhood and came to find that the majority of the neighborhood is unmarried and between the ages of 30-40 which lets me know that they are down to party.

1 comment:

  1. Remind me to tell you my Hot Cookie story some time. Thanks for this post.
