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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Vintage dreams in the streets of Berkeley

Lately I have been disappointed. Every time I look into my closet a sudden wave of disgust flashes in my body, giving me the feeling like I drank one too many cosmopolitans. I needed something different. Something that screamed out "This is me! This is who I am!" So I decided on exploring one of the many vintage shops on Telegraph Avenue.

The money in my pockets was low, but my spirit was high as I made my way down the street of Telegraph Avenue. Skateboarders, bike riders, and even the occasional people rambling to themselves were out on this busy day in Berkeley. My attention was diverted when I decided on checking out 510 skateboards, a skate-shop located on Telegraph. The shoes were pleasant, but the lone sales associate wasn't. This "Too cool for school" associate seemed more entertained sending text messages on his fancy phone then helping me pick out a dandy pair of shoes. I don't know if it's just me being "old school" but I thought sales associates were supposed to SELL to costumers. I made my way out of the shop, energized and ready to continue on my initial mission.

Suddenly something caught my eyes. The neon lights, which read Sharks, and retro look of this place sucked me in like a vacuum. I had to check this place out. The smell of used, old clothes hit my nose the second I stepped inside the building. I was at home. The shop had everything from Member's Only jackets (which are popular now) to hats that look like they were made out of a rabbit. Unlike the shop I went to earlier I was actually happily greeted by the associate. Her name was Lacey and she had the style of someone out of the 80s. She had bleach blond hair and wore all black with a stone-wash denim jacket that covered her tattoo-filled arms. To be honest she reminded me of Kat Von D from LA INK (A reality TV show about a tattoo shop owner). I found out she graduated from San Francisco State with a degree in fashion. We instantly became friends. She showed me to some of the cooler things in the shop such as a black Victorian dress that sold for $300. Kind of pricey for vintage clothes, but I didn't mind, dresses aren't my forte anyways.

Digging and digging through the racks of clothes I found nothing. Either the clothes were too big, overpriced, or just not my style. My body wasn't feeling it anymore. My stomach was in control and I decided on calling it a day and grabbing a greasy slice of Blondie's pizza instead. Lacey told me she works at another vintage shop, Mars, and that I should check it out. I vowed that on my next journey that I must conquer this shop!

1 comment:

  1. Love the writing in this. Better luck next time on the duds. Yvonne
