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Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Taco Tuesday

Taco Tuesday is a pretty popular thing for a lot of young people to attend in the Marina. Blue Light, a bar in the Marina sponsors it and they give a great discount on tacos and beer. Usually I can’t seem to get myself to go out on a weeknight, but my friends begged me to go, and since it was in the Marina I figured why not, since I am supposed to be doing reporting. My friends love going every Tuesday, they always say it is such an awesome crowd that goes and they seem to come back from it with raving reviews. I have been twice before, and I can’t say that my reviews have come back as amazing as theirs, but it has been a decent two times that I have gone, figured third time would be a charm. The crowd that I have usually encountered there is people in their twenties, usually college kids, who are predominantly white, preppy, frat-appearance type. The night we decided to go was April 7, which was the opening game for the Giants earlier that evening. When we got there it was a completely different crowd than normal. There were a lot of people sporting Giants gear and the age range varied more than usual. I would also have to say that the races varied as well. It was a mixture of all different people. The regulars who are usually there every Tuesday without fail were all tucked away in the back corner by the pool table in the back gossiping amongst themselves. They were talking about how there were too many “black” people there. I found this almost amusing that the people in this area don’t seem to grasp the concept that there are other races out there. The people who hang in the Marina are used to the primarily Caucasian race that parties on the weekends at the local bars. I think these people need to open their eyes and maybe get out of the Marina for a night and see the different populations that San Francisco has to offer.

1 comment:

  1. It's funny that I have only walked by the Blue Light in the day time, but have never been inside. The two bars I used to frequent three years ago were The Matrix Filmore, the Balboa Cafe, and Inside Out.
